Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (May 6, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send your submissions.

• A bouquet of roses to a neighbour on Queen Mary Boulevard. On Sunday, this young man carefully rescued a skunk who had got its head stuck in a glass jar and couldn’t free itself. This neighbour showed no fear of being sprayed while he took a few minutes to hold onto the scared skunk and remove the glass jar from its head. Once it was free, the skunk quickly made its way back towards Queen Mary Park unhurt, thanks to this kind-hearted man. He really made my day (and the skunk’s!).

• Rotten tomatoes to people who keep obsessing over this police transition. I’m fed up of hearing about it because honestly, it’s really getting old. Please stop!

• Roses to the people in the car by mine at the White Spot at 72nd and 120th who paid for my dinner on Sunday. When the server came to take my tray and I began to reach for my purse he said the people who paid had said he was not to tell me until they left. I was speechless, delighted, babbling. Thanks so much to the thoughtful people and be assured I will pass the gift along. Wasn’t that the nicest thing! It still makes me feel good and smile.

• A truckload of roses to the Safe Surrey Coalition councillors who voted to finally push through 84th Avenue from King George to 140th street. I have been stuck in traffic for the last 20 years, having to go to 72nd or 88th Avenue as a detour.

• A big bunch of roses should be distributed to everyone who works at the Cloverdale Rec Centre COVID-19 vaccination clinic. This includes the parking attendants, line-up directors, sign-in staff, data collectors, injection pros, and cleaners. Their kindness, professionalism, and humour helped to make a stressful situation almost fun.

• Rotten tomatoes to CUPE 402. They signed a contract for RCMP support staff to switch over to the so-called “Surrey Police Service”when no new force even exists yet and probably never will. Did this union ever stop to think that the real support staff were those auxiliary workers who’ve been laid off from the recreation centres with no return to work date in sight? They clearly could not possibly care less about auxiliary staff.

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