Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Nov. 17, 2016)

A weekly gathering of random good wishes and gripes

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• Roses to the man and his family at Surrey hospital’s CATZ (Care, Assessment and Treatment Zone). I had just gotten up from my examination chair at the exam area at CATZ when I went lightheaded and my mind went blank. If the man and his family (who were there also being seen by doctors) weren’t there, it would have been very likely that I would have collapsed to the floor. The man immediately moved to my side and grasped me around the torso to keep me upright until they could get a chair under me. I completely blacked out. His quick intervention prevented a possible head injury. To the man and his family, thank you so very much – you are so much appreciated. Many thanks from my family to yours.

• A kartful of Red Roses to everyone, especially the RCMP, who came out to support the Jake Hoffmann’s Karting Fundraiser for sexually abused youth. We had a great turnout and everyone had a lot of fun. Thank you.

• Roses for an amazing woman’s act of kindness in White Spot last Saturday. I was there with my sister, daughter and 92-year-old father having lunch. When we asked for the bill, we were told the lady sitting at the table by us had picked up the tab. She had enjoyed watching us interact as she never got to see her grandparents in India.

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• A big rotten tomato to the sales associate who got annoyed with me because of how I put an item back on the shelf, saying to me, “We don’t put it that way.” Do I look like a sales associate to you? It isn’t my job!

• Rotten tomatoes to this medical system where walk-in clinics are open for only a few hours on Sundays – or closed altogether – while medical clinics for pets are reliably open. Good to see medical help is available to dogs and birds. But for people? Not so much. Shame.

• Rotten tomatoes to rent-a-crowd protesters at the new Trump hotel in Vancouver. Most of these people are professional protesters and protest anything for a dollar. If you don’t like him, don’t go to his hotel with your business. If you are Americans up here to rent a crowd and protest, I say go home, Yankee, and protest in your own country. There was a vote and he won, like it or not.

• Rotten tomatoes to Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner. It seems crime just keeps going up, at least where I live. The city’s bylaw enforcement is a joke. I have never seen so much drug and alcohol use in city parks and public streets, not to mention people using their cellphones while driving. It seems that you can do whatever you want here in Surrey.

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