Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Nov. 19, 2015)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day.


  • A big fragrant bouquet of roses to Cathy for alerting me to a scam artist before I lost my money to him.
  • A bus load  full of red roses to Clarke  at FDM for coming to our rescue by helping us to get our fireplace working on his special birthday. He also gave us some sensible advice on what is appropriate in getting a new furnace or fireplace. Thank you so much.
  • A tire shop full of roses to the gentlemen down at Action Tire Services. Very understanding and honest fellows who truly take care of their customers. It’s nice to see business owners with hearts.
  • Roses to the City of Surrey for finally posting several signs at Cloverdale’s Hillcrest Park reminding residents that dogs are not allowed on the sports fields. As long as we have lived there (five years) obnoxious dog owners have been using the baseball diamond and soccer fields as their own private off-leash dog area. Hopefully the signs will improve the situation (although I’m not holding my breath).
  • Roses to all of you who supported our veterans by buying poppies – and wearing them – this year.

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  • Rotten tomatoes to the many shoppers in Surrey who had carts filled with groceries, yet could not be bothered to buy a poppy from a veteran. I asked one shopper why she was not wearing a poppy. She said, “I could not care less.” Shame on her and others like her. Unfortunately, too many of them don’t realize the sacrifice and hardship our veterans went through to make our country free.
  • Remembrance Day in Newton sounded like a “war zone” with the fireworks around here. Where is the respect for the veterans who fought for our freedom? This was extremely disrespectful to everyone who lost a family member or friend in battle and also those who were wounded protecting our freedom. I am sure that every one of those “firebombs” brought back crippling memories to our vets. Show some respect!
  • Rotten tomatoes to classless parents who swear in front of their children.  And we wonder why some kids act so disrespectful and talk trash in the school yard nowadays. It all comes from the home. Please clean up your language and take care of your household instead of running to see the latest likes on Facebook. Get off the computer and be a parent.

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