Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Nov. 26, 2015)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day.

Email your submissions to Roses and Rotten Tomatoes to

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  • Roses to the woman at the gas station who paid for my gas. That was my first time buying gas in the U.S. by myself and I felt panic when my debit card wouldn’t work but your absolute kindness was greatly appreciated! And a huge thanks from my mom for saving her a rescue trip across the border!
  • Roses to Furfection dog spa for providing such wonderful care for our pets! Thank you again for making our pets feel like home.
  • Roses to the person who wrote about the fireworks on Remembrance Day. Perhaps the community that celebrates Diwali, and their leaders, should be more informed about how disrespectful it is to light fireworks when Canadians are showing respect for those who have fought for this fine country. Diwali may be an important holiday for many but fireworks should not be set off on Remembrance Day.
  • Roses to all the people who donate to Penny Savers Thrift Store but rotten tomatoes to people who donate their garbage – and by that I mean actual garbage not just unsellable items. We are not a dump and it costs us money to get rid of your garbage, mattresses and broken furniture.

Email your Roses to

Rotten Tomatoes

  • Roses to the Office of the Fire Commissioner in Victoria for sending out detailed pamphlets on fire prevention to homes in Surrey. Rotten tomatoes to them for only sending it out in Punjabi.  This pamphlet was much more detailed than the two English ones that were sent. There are languages other than Punjabi spoken in Surrey…
  • Rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey bylaw staff who pick and choose who they ticket for parking offences. I saw them issue a parking ticket to one car and leave two others for the same offence! What’s that all about? And no, I was not on the receiving end of the ticket.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the mayors council for flogging the same old crap in a different package in regards to raising another toll or tax for bridges and roads. They won’t give up even after they were told by a vote people don’t want anymore taxes or tolls.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the drivers who continue to yap on their cell phones. Or text message – that is worse. The only thing you understand is the big stick. They should take away your licence for a minimum of one month for the first offence, especially tractor trailer drivers and people with ‘N’ or ‘L’ on their vehicle.

Email your Rotten Tomatoes to

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