Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Oct. 13, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day

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  • Bunches of red roses to our grandson, who made the honour roll in high school, even after being absent from school due to a previous injury. We are so proud of you. You have grown up to be such an awesome young man. It has been a honour to have you as our grandson – you are our biggest reward in life! We love you more than words can express.
  • Roses to the BC Lions who must smash and crumple the Winnipeg Blue Bombers on Friday, because that was a fumble last weekend!
  • Huge bouquets of red roses to the coaches of my son’s Delta soccer team. They are so encouraging, yet firm enough to get the little guys focused and thus, learning. A good coach is invaluable.
  • Roses to the local Sutton Premier Realty office for raising money for Surrey Christmas Bureau at its annual poker tournament, which is set to happen again on Friday night (Oct. 14). It’s a fun way to support a good cause.
  • I’d like to give some fresh roses to Youth Transforming Society, a Surrey-based group that has organized another “Volunteering and Beyond: An Evening of Opportunities” event on Oct. 19 at Queen Elizabeth Secondary. It’s great to see young people get involved in the community like this. Look them up at

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey for not making it easy to find a girl’s football league. My friend and I wanted to join but haven’t been able to find a league so far. Not impressed.
  • Rotten tomatoes to certain governments that act to ban pitbulls. They don’t seem to realize that pitbulls become vicious because owners have no control over them! You wanna ban pitbulls? Think again!
  • A garbage truck full of rotten tomatoes to the Newton Superstore construction crew that keeps my family and the other hundreds of people awake all night with their loud metal grinding, forklifts beeping and crashing and banging noises. Another garbage truck full of rotten tomatoes to the City of Surrey for giving the permit for them to work from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. until Dec. 2!
  • Rotten tomatoes to the B.C. government for shutting down Riverview Mental Hospital. Let’s be realistic here. “Community support” is a meaningless term because there’s so much social disorder in our neighbourhoods, streets and public transit system. Police officers are overworked and are not doctors. Time to rebuild Riverview and get it over with.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the guy who always throws cigarette butts out of his car window. Stop littering, jerk. While you’re at it, learn to drive.

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