Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Oct. 27, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day


  • A bag full of roses to Kam and Paul, the coaches of the U15 Gunners girls team at Guildford Athletics, for being so dedicated to the girls over the years. You have helped these girls grow into awesome, healthy young women and we are more than thankful that you have helped keep them out of trouble. Kam is amazing and is never too soft or hard on the girls and we would like to thank you for your sincere dedication and sacrifices you have made to get our girls to where they are in the soccer fields today.
  • Roses to the taxi drivers who take me home safely. I’d much rather pay for the peace and safety of a cab than get crammed in a dirty, stinky bus full of creeps, freaks and weirdos every nook and cranny.
  • I would like to give an unconditional loving rose to all the men out there who choose to help raise a child/children that aren’t theirs and yet they choose to take them in under their wings and raise them with all the love and support a father should give their child. You guys are the true heroes and deserve to hear just how much you are appreciated and simply amazing.
  • Roses to neighbours who are considerate, helpful and kind. It’s important to be good neighbours in Surrey these days – in so many areas, people are living in tight quarters.

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to the mayor of Surrey for only having 10 bylaw officers to cover all Surrey. This equals one bylaw complaint for every third house which means you need to give your head a shake and focus on where your priorities are and start hiring more bylaw officers to clean up this city. This is unacceptable and very sad for all of us taxpayers who constantly deal with the addicts and thieves on our streets.
  • Tomatoes to the big companies that have women do the same work as men but yet never receive equal pay or authority as them.
  • Rotten tomatoes to all the stupid people at Surrey Central Station. You all have no class.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the impolite TransLink customer service agent who gave me rude service over the phone. Your unprofessional behavior and poor choice of words are atrocious and disgusting. I have reported you to your supervisor, so what goes around comes around.
  • Rotten tomatoes to mass media across the border who devote so much time on silliness and “scandals” while avoiding the important issues – especially as they relate to neighbours like Canada. Also, it wouldn’t hurt to make more of an effort to hide your bias. It’s clear to everyone who all the networks want to win.

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