Do you have someone you would like to thank? Or maybe something to get off your chest? Email your rose or rotten tomato to

Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Sept. 16, 2021)

Our weekly collection of compliments and complaints sent in by readers

CLICK HERE to send us youy submissions.

• Roses to the bylaw officer for issuing a $2,000 fine to new owners for illegally building an addition to a single-family home. We hope this sets an example in Surrey that you have to follow legal building restrictions. Getting a building permit and following all building requirements and not ignoring stop work orders! A bunch of stinking, rotten tomatoes to the owners and their building contractors who continue to violate these orders.

• Rotten tomatoes to the police for claiming they don’t have the manpower to enforce vaccine passport laws. They have no problem finding officers when they set up radar traps or any other money grabbing things they do.

• Any number of red roses to all five Good Samaritans who came to my rescue when I tripped on the sidewalk by the Royal Bank in Fleetwood. They all helped me to get up and showed a lot of care, especially the young man from the drug store who gave me packets of gauze. There is a lot more good people out there than we think.

• Roses to the people signing the petition for a referendum to Keep the RCMP in Surrey.

• Roses to Surrey Mayor Doug McCallum, who stood against the stiff resistance given by councillors (who got voted in on his slate to bring in Surrey’s own police force) and fulfilled his election promise.

• Rotten tomatoes to CBC, which doesn’t provide translation services for the leadership debates in the official languages. No wonder Canadians are becoming indifferent about elections. We are being railroaded by our politicians.

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