Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Sept. 22, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day


  • Happy sweet roses to people who smile back at you when you smile at them. Doesn’t take much effort, and everybody wins in the end.
  • A big huge basket of roses to the Surrey SPCA for acting so fast, and taking care of unexpected kittens for us. You guys are awesome! (editor’s note: See related rotten tomato below)
  • Roses to those who keep the Sabbath day holy and pray often. Because, if you are not praying for your family and your country, who is? Blessings to all.
  • A rose to people who use their turn signal. As for the rest of you, start clicking!
  • It’s National Coaches Week, a good time to thank those who help our kids become better athletes and, ultimately, better people. So, I’d like to give roses to all the good coaches in Surrey and beyond, whether they’re on the ice, diamond, gridiron, court, pitch or elsewhere. Keep up the good work.
  • Roses to Jazzy B, the international bhangra star, for sticking to his Surrey roots while being inducted into B.C.’s Entertainment Hall of Fame last weekend. Great party at Crown Palace Banquet Hall! Good times had by all.

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Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to our former next door neighbours. They not only left their backyard a mess, they also abandoned their beautiful Persian cat. She showed up on our steps a few days after they cleared out and lived in the bush. I couldn’t bring her in as we have two dogs, and my grand daughter has health issues. After feeding her for a week and wondering what to do with her, my son wakes up the house to say Emma (Persian cat) had kittens – four of them!
  • Rotten tomatoes to Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner for still trying to bring in a property tax for transit after being told no by the voters in a referendum vote. Hepner and the Mayors’ Council should be all fired for continually inventing another tax for homeowners who already have a transit tax or levy. These people are unreal. No more taxes!
  • Tomatoes to vapers. Just when you think people can’t get any more irritating, someone invents vaping. Now we have idiots emptying the humid stink from their lungs into other people’s faces. Yech.
  • Rotten clouds of gaseous festering tomatoes to Fortis and its plan to raise the cost of natural gas by 80 per cent. Don’t you people have mothers? Also, tomatoes to the souless goofs who gave the OK for this cynical cash grab.

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