Roses and Rotten Tomatoes (Sept. 8, 2016)

Our weekly feature gives readers a chance to vent about things that enrage them - or to thank a certain someone who made their day

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  • Roses to the wonderful sales associate at EB Games for offering me hand sanitizer and a tissue when I sneezed. You are one kind person and I could not thank you enough!
  • A massive bouquet of roses to registered clinical counsellor Health Vito who took so much time to learn about my son (who has just been diagnosed with ADHD) before working with him. Finding professionals who take the time to understand who your child is – not just what their struggles are – is rare. It’s appreciated more than I can put into words.
  • Roses to people who do what they say they are going to do. Too many people these days never follow through with anything.
  • Roses to business owners who treat their customers with courtesy.
  • Roses from here to the moon and back to all our wonderful neighbours in the Enver Creek area (144 Street and 85A Avenue). Thank you for all your love and support during a difficult time. We are blessed to live in Surrey with the best friends and neighbours one could ask for. We love you all.
  • Roses to all Surrey students back to school this week. Work hard this year and stay focused on your studies. With so many distractions today, make school your No. 1 priority!

Email your Roses to

Rotten Tomatoes

  • Rotten tomatoes to people who are always blaming others for their own actions. Take responsibility.
  • Rotten tomatoes to annoying obsessive people who argue over small things and turn them into big things. Go to your jobs! There are worse things in life!
  • Rotten stinky tomatoes to people who are nosey and intrusive. Mind your own business and show respect for other people’s privacy. Live and let live.
  • Rotten tomatoes to jerks who have nothing better to do with their lives than try to push around and intimidate their ex’s via texting. Big man, aren’t you?
  • Rotten tomatoes to hypocrites who talk a tough game but can’t walk the walk. Saving face is not going to get you anywhere in life.
  • Oily green tomatoes for those with no integrity. It is possible to keep your promises and keep your word. Honesty and trust will take you places – good places – but baloney and lies will only take us both down. So tired of shysters taking up my time.
  • Rotten tomatoes to the neighbour whose dog is well known in the complex for its yapping. When confronted about it – and her open windows – the neighbour plays dumb and pretends the noise is news to her – even though many have already complained. Show some respect.

Email your Rotten Tomatoes to

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