Ross ignorning important facts with pipeline opposition

Ross ignorning important facts with pipeline opposition

Facts on pipeline opposition ignored

Facts on pipeline opposition ignored

Dear Editor,

Ellis Ross shames the NDP for court action over the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain (KMTM) pipeline as “activism” with “a specific political agenda.”

That is rich considering Mr. Ross actively supports Eagle Spirit Resources, which wants to create an Alberta-BC pipeline corridor and has launched its own court action over economic and political control of the coast.

He also accuses the NDP of hypocrisy over the American oil tankers that travel the coast, and he asserts that “the truth is in the facts.” One minor fact is that the KMTM protest concerns concentrated activity in and near a port, not the far less dense coastal shipping activity.

The major fact that Mr. Ross could recognize concerns the increasing damage to the planet from hydrocarbons. Advocacy of hydrocarbon combustion, whether or not cleaner than coal, rejects the multiple alternatives to combustion for no reason but local and quick profit at others’ expense.

China, which Mr. Ross cites in his own separate and paid op-ed, needs to replace coal and lower greenhouse gas, but rather than his hydrocarbon, geothermal especially promises better, as China itself has discovered.

KMTM and Eagle Spirit’s corridor may be obsolete even before construction. What hydrocarbon geothermal China still needs would likely come from Asia.

Canada would do well to keep its own to delay future exhaustion, let alone climate catastrophe.

David Heinimann

Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard