Rossland fostering relationships

Congratulations to all newly elected officials. It takes a big commitment to put ones name forward to serve the community.

Congratulations to all newly elected officials. It takes a big commitment to put ones name forward to serve the community. I trust everyone will find it a rewarding experience.

I would like to take this opportunity to offer our best wishes to Jim Nelson of Warfield. Jim has been involved in municipal politics for many years and proudly serves as a Councillor, and formerly long time Mayor of Warfield. Get well soon Jim.

The City of Rossland had the pleasure of hosting an informal get together with School Board members and a similar event with Municipal and Regional District elected officials and staff. Rossland is committed to building relationships with our partners. Getting to know each other is a big step in fostering  co-operative relations. It was good to see others feel the same.

Rossland is proceeding to tender the Columbia and Washington infastructure project. Results are expected shortly. Rossland appreciates the co-operation of the Ministry Of Transportation on this project and delaying the resurfacing of Columbia Avenue until Rossland has an opportunity to upgrade underground pipes. There is nothing more frustrating in Municipal operations than putting down new asphalt only to have to dig it up for underground repairs. We expect the project to get underway in the fall of this year.

Rossland once again put on an extremely successful Winter Carnival. The Carnival highlights Rossland’s uniqueness and this year’s event did not disappoint. Without the outstanding efforts of the organizing committee this celebration would not happen. Sincere Thank You to all the volunteers for their commitment to the Carnival’s success. Also kudos to Public Works who not only are experts in snow removal, they also are extremely proficient in turning roadways into a bobsled track, a snowboard course and other much enjoyed snow venues. Lastly thank you to all the residents that put up with the minor inconveniences that closing roads, losing parking spots etc., are in putting on this most “Rossland” of Winter Carnivals.

I also would like to thank the Trail Times for providing  this opportunity to communicate with the residents. The press is very important partners in getting the word “out” as well as getting the opinion “in”.

Greg Granstrom is the Mayor of Rossland. Community Comment is written by elected officials from the region.

Trail Daily Times