Rough landing, but worth it

Editor: After many months of blood, sweat and tears, my family and I recently received our permanent-residents papers.


After many months of blood, sweat and tears, my family and I recently received our permanent-residents papers since our arrival from England in 2007.

Twice, the school district tried to remove my now seven-year-old boy, Harry, out of school – once they succeeded – due to issues over my work permit, issues that should not have been there in the first place if Service Canada was not such a mickey-mouse outfit!

At this point, I contacted MP Russ Hiebert’s office for help. They were most helpful and were completely disgusted with the treatment I received. They forwarded my letter of complaint to the Minister of Immigration. I soon received a call from the head of Service Canada apologizing for the poor service I’d received.

Further down the line, I was forced to contact Hiebert’s office again. This time he came to meet me in person! He was very sympathetic with my situation and helped me in a way I never expected due to the many other more important government issues he has to deal with on a daily basis.

My wife and I would like to take the opportunity to say a big thank you to all the lovely people we have met since we came to Canada.

A special thank you to the people of White Rock and South Surrey who have welcomed us as if we have been lifelong residents.

Friends have supported us and helped us in a fashion usually saved only for family members and not strangers from another country! Not forgetting Mr. Hiebert’s office for all they did as well.

David Gadeke, Surrey



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