Roundabout alternative to traffic lights?

I think a roundabout would not only be a bad idea it will add to the already very stressful, confusing, accident-waiting-to-happen intersection (only worse)

Editor, The Times:

I have traveled all over, navigating on and off highway, throughout the world and I think a roundabout would not only be a bad idea it will add to the already very stressful, confusing, accident-waiting-to-happen intersection (only worse).

I cannot believe Clearwater does not have two sets of lights at the intersections on the highway. How many more deaths or injuries will it take before our community gets these lights? I have honestly never encountered such stressful situations at any other intersections before.

Green means go; red means stop; why not make it simple? I think the Clearwater community deserves these lights, especially if tourism continues to grow.

In the winter the visibility is bad and traction and snow build up is a problem at times.

Deanna Fast

Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times