Roundabout not improve safety

It is funny how almost being T-boned two days in a row can change one's perspective

Editor, The Times:

“Have you bought a false painting Toby? You will find the more you paid for it the less likely you are to doubt it’s authenticity.” George Smiley to Toby Esterhase — John Le Carre’s Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Syp.

Perhaps due to the machinations of my somewhat twisted mind this was the first thought that overwhelmed me after reading the headline (Times Nov. 21, 2013): “New roundabout improves safety and access to Wells Gray Park.”

Access to the park? Maybe. Improved safety? Now that is questionable.

A short while back (Nov. 11 to be more precise) a woman whose name I don’t know but should, who obviously knows exactly who I am asked why I had never written about the Clearwater roundabout.

My reply went something like this — I had to see the roundabout in use to really have an opinion on it.

Beside that there were far more important ‘fish to fry,’ global warming, the looming destructiveness of fracking, etc.

The roundabout was, according to my own arrogance, simply beneath me.

No longer. Having just about been sideswiped by a big rig two days running, that was coming from the Jasper direction I have plenty so say.

I don’t want to render a final judgment on the roundabout just yet, but it appears fairly obvious that some changes have to be made. Some stop signs perhaps? It is funny how almost being T-boned two days in a row can change one’s perspective on things.

One can always buy a kindergarten girl’s crayon scribblings. Just don’t pretend that it is a picasso!

Dennis Peacock


Clearwater, B.C.



Clearwater Times