Roundabouts and merge lanes not used properly

I’m sure I travel through at least four roundabouts each day, and I’m amazed how many drivers don’t signal when they exit.

I read the recent letter sent by Kent Finley regarding people not understanding how to use a roundabout. I am so glad you felt it worthy of printing. It makes me crazy with the lack of courtesy drivers show in a roundabout.

I’m sure I travel through at least four roundabouts each day I am out in my car, and I’m amazed how many drivers don’t signal when they exit one.

I’ve even seen people on their cell phones exiting the roundabout and of course not signalling.

It’s simple people — turn on your right signal when you are about to leave it! You don’t need to signal entering just when you are about to leave.

Another pet peeve of mine is the merge lane when vehicles are heading south off Green Road onto the TCH, in front of Baljet’s car dealership. This is a merge lane not a yield lane! In other words, don’t stop and wait for a break in the oncoming traffic, instead drive in the merge lane and build up your speed so that you can then enter the traffic. Most cars will slow down or move to the next lane to let you in.


R. Rhode




Cowichan Valley Citizen