Rowing will be a wonderful addition to community asset

For better or for worse, gone are the days when the Langford Lake area was anything resembling a wilderness.

I live on Goldstream Avenue overlooking Langford Lake, and have been here since 1988. I think a rowing facility is a wonderful idea.

From what I’ve observed first hand over the past 24 years, despite being stocked with game fish (paid for out of fishing licence fees), the lake body itself could not be described as exactly jam-packed with fishermen.  Fishing on Langford Lake can coexist with rowing.

With the community of Langford having made significant investments in lakeside nature preserves and parkland, landscaped swimming beaches and access points, a boat ramp, a trail and boardwalks circling the lake, dedicated parking and a signal-controlled crosswalk, fishing piers, and now spending $250,000 on a new aerator (for which installationg I had a front row seat), a rowing facility would make a logical addition for sharing the community jewel that is Langford Lake.

I would also love to see dinghy sailing made available through the recreation facility.

For better or for worse, gone are the days when the Langford Lake area was anything resembling a wilderness.

So let’s get on with fully utilizing the lake for community recreation.

Cynthia Brossard


Goldstream News Gazette