Royal prefix not appropriate

Prime Minister Harper’s recent pronouncements on restoring the “Royal” prefix to the Canadian Navy and Air Force without public discussion, parliamentary consultation or apparent sober second thought is the latest example of his elitist approach to governing Canada.

Prime Minister Harper’s recent pronouncements on restoring the “Royal” prefix to the Canadian Navy and Air Force without public discussion, parliamentary consultation or apparent sober second thought is the latest example of his elitist approach to governing Canada.

This current employment of the prefix “Royal” is both inappropriate and unfortunate (apologies to Queen Elizabeth, Prince William et. al., and all soldiers and sailors who have served under this title). Royal refers to the historical colonial period where Canada served the British Empire as the power of the Crown (royalty) was absolute in all affairs. Is Stephen Harper challenging or questioning our status as a sovereign, independent democratic country?

E. Ecclestone





Penticton Western News