Rules benefit travellers

Transmitting portable electronic devices on flights is only permitted, in normal mode, while the plane taxis

Transmitting portable electronic devices on flights is only permitted, in normal mode, while the plane taxis.  Our government, in collaboration with our aviation partners, was able to offer airlines the tools they need to safely enable passengers the opportunity to use portable devices on airplanes, while still maintaining the highest standards of aviation safety.

This decision is aligned with similar decisions by the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, and the European Union. Air operators in those countries must first demonstrate that safety is not affected by the expanded use of portable electronic devices.  This exemption is a temporary measure while Transport Canada initiates regulatory amendments. Passengers who use transmitting portable electronic devices will still need to ensure they are in a non-transmitting or flight mode before using them on an aircraft.

I spend approximately six hours of flight time, not to mention wait times, between flights to and from Ottawa. This important regulation will benefit me and many of you when flying with Canadian air operators. Soon, we will all be able to use our electronic devices during take-off, climbs, descents or landing, making it easier for me to use my computer a little longer to catch up on my emails instead of waiting until I am back in the riding and/or back in Ottawa.  The use of cameras, electronic games, tablets and computers during all phases of flight in Canada, will allow passengers to soon be able to use their electronic devices, provided their airline has met certain safety conditions. This is good news for children who want to keep using their electronic games during flight time.

Please remember, the use of these devices onboard any flight is always at the discretion of the air operator.

Colin Mayes is the member of Parliament for the Okanagan-Shuswap riding


Salmon Arm Observer