Runway extension on wrong track

Yes to economic development, no to the Vernon airport runway extension. Better yet, how about no airport

Yes to economic development, no to the Vernon airport runway extension. Better yet, how about no airport?

Can you imagine the economic impact of redeveloping the airport lands to instead, provide city-owned affordable housing, with commercial and retail sprinkled throughout, right smack next to playing fields, sports facilities, schools, parks, and local beaches?

What is the economic impact of the City of Vernon working together with the Okanagan Indian Band to develop Vernon into the waterfront destination we all know it can be?

Consider this:

The majority of Vernon residents will never use the Vernon airport.

Kelowna’s airport is only 25 minutes down the highway.

The current Vernon airport already represents a sufficient nuisance for nearby residents.

How about investing $5 million to support our master parks plan? The city undertook extensive consultation to develop this plan and the public generously responded that they would be willing to fund improvements. Such an investment would make Vernon a more attractive place for residents, visitors, and those who may consider setting up shop here.

A vote to support the Vernon airport runway extension is a vote to constrict, not enhance, economic development opportunities in Vernon.

Inge Friesen



Vernon Morning Star