Rural designations disappearing in Parksville area

it seems developers get the idea that they can do as they wish

Hands tied or not, doesn’t anyone on Parksville’s council own a dictionary?

A cabin is defined as a one story structure, more like a hut but clearly not a three story, 1,500 square-foot monster.

The (over) developers’ spin doctor came up with the word cabin because it conjures the image of a non-invasive, idyllic abode creating a peaceful emotional response to which no one could object.

Upon seeing the schematic of the proposed (ie., we still have a chance to oppose) beach development site, I couldn’t believe this high density travesty.

It looks like it belongs somewhere else, not here, not on our waterfront.  There’s no breathing room.

Are the citizens of Parksville going to allow another beach ghetto project to un-enhance our mountain vistas and views of our ocean beach paradise?

And the whole 180-day maximum reside is just ludicrous.

For most of us, the Beach Club was enough of an assault of betrayal to our majority, collective wishes to maintain an aesthetic, enjoyable home environment.

Where does another Parksville exist, because I want to move there before this one gets nibbled at until it is decimated.

Our elected council seems to think the developer has the right to do as they wish.

Yet, even Qualicum Beach has a current proposal for changing four hectares of rural property to single family residences.  Is rural going to disappear? Where will the wilderness begin?

Will we ever be finished or not until every gift of nature is gone!

My vote rests with the wisdom and foresight of visionaries like David Suzuki.

Gord Byers





Parksville Qualicum Beach News