RV street parking necessary

Editor: This is a response to the “RV parking bylaw is necessary in Langley” letter (The Times, Jan. 28).

I take offence to people trying to encourage governments to tax another portion of our ever-decreasing and dwindling income. Most of us park our trailers, fifth wheels, boats or tent trailers in our driveways because we have to.

With job losses, the economy, and now the possibility of a recession to drive costs up, owning an RV is becoming more difficult.

The first reason we park our RV at home is the fact we cannot afford to park our trailer in a RV parking lot for nine to 10 months of the year. The cost is excessive for us and we wouldn’t have access to our RV when we need to.

The second is security. No matter how much you fortify an area for storing an RV, you cannot keep out the unwanted element from destroying your investment and property.

We have worked far too hard for too many years to have someone break into our trailer and steal the contents or trash the inside. Our household works together, and cannot afford a suburban spread, or acreage on which to part our units on site, out of view.

So next time you see a row of trailers and fifth wheels parked in driveways, or off to the side, think of who owns them before making a decision on how it destroys the beautiful streetscape.

T. Bolivar,


Langley Times