S02 scrubbers do make sense

Money pinching to the point of putting my family, friends and beautiful home town of Kitimat at risk? It’s honestly a shame

Dear Sir:

We put on our shoes, we go outside to play. We admire the butterflies, and the birds. The trees, mountains and river.

Amongst the river currents my little three year-old points at some pink salmon that swim by. I say “they are beautiful, aren’t they?”

She replies almost without thinking. “All life is beautiful mommy.”

It was at that exact moment when my heart sunk into my stomach. My precious little three-year old, innocent and sweet, can see the beauty in the ecosystem surrounding us. Alive, and healthy. The ecosystem that wouldn’t be this alive and healthy if Alcan had not installed scrubbers many decades ago.

And the very same ecosystem that I hope my daughter can admire with her future children.

If older technology was capable of doing the right thing, why on earth isn’t the advanced technology capable of doing the same?

Are we becoming more ignorant and selfish?

Money pinching to the point of putting my family, friends and beautiful home town at risk? It’s honestly a shame.  Please, do the right thing. Install those scrubbers. Unless you truly believe the life of my children, and every other citizen in Kitimat, isn’t worth it. In that case, let’s just hope your conscience doesn’t eat you alive at night, once you have realized the damages you have caused.

Breanne Wilken,

Kitimat, B.C.


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