Saanich council reaps what is sows

Re: Cows home to roost in Gordon Head, (News, March 1)

Re: Cows home to roost in Gordon Head, (News, March 1)

How sweet it is!  This most obstructive of all municipal councils, with Mayor Frank Leonard in the chair, have been hoisted by their own petards, at long last.

And if they think it hurts now, just wait until complaints start pouring in from the Albergs’ neighbours, increasingly put off by “the familiar sounds and rank odour of a cow farm.”

In the meantime, I earnestly urge the Albergs to forget about making any more planning submissions – at least to this council as it is now constituted.

They will continue to be turned down, no matter what they propose. It’s just like good friends of mine who were naive enough to go back again and again, bent over backwards to satisfy (and more) all reasonable and unreasonable demands, spent untold pecuniary and human resources and, in the end, came away empty handed.

Zoltan Roman





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