
Sad to see reversal on funding for abortion services

This spells disaster in Africa

Sad to see reversal on funding for abortion services

Re: Biden and the gag rule.

It is very sad that Biden is reversing the Helms Amendment that states that all of U.S. foreign assistance, some $40 billion, will remain unavailable for abortion services, information, training and equipment. Planned Parenthood uses the euphemism of health services and reproductive rights as a cover for energetic promotion of abortion on demand in African countries, even where it is unlawful to do so.

This spells disaster in Africa where I have seen, firsthand, hospitals in Uganda that don’t even have the basics for maternal and child healthcare. Mothers don’t name their children until they are five because they are dying before the age of five years old. They love their children. They care for their parents in their old age because there are no pension funds. I also helped to facilitate a Billings Ovulation Method of natural fertility regulation teacher training with delegates saying, “This is the method we need — a natural method of spacing pregnancy that is safe and effective and safeguards our fertility and health!” Moreover, in 1994 I witnessed most nations in the world at the UN World Conference on Population and Development (Cairo ICPD Report) stating that, “Under no circumstance should abortion be used as a method of family planning.”

Susan Fryer

Maple Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen