Saddened by sign vandalism

Most of this deviant behavior has been directed at the election signage for the May 9 provincial election

Editor, The Times:

I was shocked and saddened at the extent of vandalism I have observed in the community as of April 23, 2017.

Most of this deviant behavior has been directed at the election signage for the May 9 provincial election. To date about 65 per cent of the vandalism has been directed at the NDP, 35 per cent at the Liberals and thus far zero per cent at the Green party signage.

It has forced me to report such behavior to the RCMP as an official complaint, as advised by the Kamloops campaign office.

In my long history of political involvement I have never witnessed such destruction and it makes me wonder about the mental state of the guilty party or parties.

I am disappointed in my community firstly that it’s happening and secondly for not ousting the individuals responsible. Come on Clearwater I know you are more respectful of the democratic process than this!

Wes Morden

Blackpool, B.C.


Clearwater Times