Sadly, racism is alive

A local road rage incident drives the fact home.

As much as we wish to believe otherwise and try to live in polite company, forms of racism are very much alive in Canada.

In a recent incident of apparent road rage I happened to witness, a respectable looking middle-aged lady pulled up her car beside another vehicle carrying a group that looked like a small family.

Traffic was at a standstill due to various road closures and no one was moving much. This lady was honking and shouting at the occupants of the other vehicle all the while. What she screamed at them was the most interesting. She screamed, “Get out of my country you (expletives) foreigners! Go back to your (expletive) country! We don’t want you (expletives) in my country!”

I truly hope she was not shouting at a family of aboriginal people. Now that would be really paradoxical.


T. George, Delta

Surrey Now Leader