In her letter published Jan. 7, Heidi Osterman asked that Colin Mayes and Liberal politicians be told that citizens do care about real food and natural farming, specifically Bill C-474.

In her letter published Jan. 7, Heidi Osterman asked that Colin Mayes and Liberal politicians be told that citizens do care about real food and natural farming, specifically Bill C-474.

The intent of this legislation is to require that an analysis of potential harm to export markets be conducted before the sale of any new genetically engineered seed is permitted.

Hearings on Bill C-474 were held by the Agriculture Committee and involved members from all parties.

The committee heard from a number of witnesses and was supposed to hear from several others. Liberal agriculture critic, MP Wayne Easter, stated in the House of Commons “Parliament and debate is all about that, having discussions and bringing witnesses forward.

“Sadly, the government members on the committee jeopardized that debate by filibustering and not allowing the full discussion on the bill that the committee should have had.

“Bill C-474 warranted a full review by the agriculture committee, but as a result of that review, it has failed the essential test of earning a greater degree of support.”

Bill C-474 did not receive support from Liberal members as there was not enough definition around what the bill intended to accomplish, in terms of defining economic harm.

Also the bill was not considered adequate to challenge the integrity of Canada’s current science-based system approval process for genetically-engineered or modified materials.

Finally Bill C-474 was not thought to provide a clear and objective process by which to conduct the analysis called for in the legislation.

If the hearings had been allowed to run their full course the outcome may have been different. Legislation that helps Canadian farmers to export their products to European customers is critical.

Given the potential risk in the alfalfa and wheat industries by the introduction of GMO, genetically engineered seeds, the issue of GMOs and genetic engineering, while controversial, must be dealt with.

Citizens want the best and safest foods to put on their kitchen tables. Governments have responsibility for developing and administering the rules that ensure those who grow and sell food have a safe and healthy product.

Helping farmers export products from seeds that are natural and not subjected to genetic manipulation is important to all Canadians.

Janna Francis


This letter is in response to the lady that wrote a letter to the editor about BC Recall, she stated it’s “rich” people that are raising hell. And that we should contribute to the food bank instead.

This lady is so far out of touch with reality, if she only knew that most of our supporters are fixed-income pensioners.

They are all near having to go to the food bank themselves because of our taxes, but are too proud! Perhaps she should be taking a pensioner for lunch or drop off a food hamper.

They have the guts to stand up to our government fighting for democracy on her behalf and benefit while she bends over hiding her head in the sand waiting for the government to give her another kick in the behind.

What would it take to get her fed up with taxation? When she is ready to fight back there will be no one beside her to fight, she will be on her own, again poor me she says.

The MLAs sure as heck aren’t going to help you; you will be on your own.

Perhaps join us, we welcome you, we need you, help us fight this fight.

May I ask what has Eric Foster ever done for you?

You criticize the pensioners; they are fighting your fight. They should be your heroes. Tip your hat to them when you meet them on the street.

Come and join their cause.

Rosanne Sutherland


Recently my husband fell on the ice on a downtown sidewalk, landing heavily on his hip and it fractured.

Some kind folk on the scene tried to pick him up and help him.

It is vital that when a person falls heavily and can’t get up themselves that you call an ambulance or let someone with first aid help. No damage was done luckily enough.

The ambulance service was great and the emergency nurses and doctors at Vernon Jubilee Hospital were quick and very attentive.

We felt well taken care of both pre and post surgery. The care was exemplary throughout.

These days you hear so much negative talk about our health care but our experience was as positive as it could be under the circumstances.

We arrived home two days after surgery to receive calls from community nurses and physiotherapists who came around to the house and gave great care as well.

So thank you to all who helped us recently.

Stephen and Noralee Olsson

Vernon Morning Star