Safer to jaywalk on main roads?

You literally put your life on the line while crossing the street at a crosswalk here in Agassiz

In response to the mailbag section of The Observer dated Fri. Aug. 31, 2012 “Too many close calls on Agassiz crosswalks” by Sheila Scott.

I, too, had my close calls crossing the street here in Agassiz, both by the Prospera and by the library, and every once in a while by the A&W.

You literally put your life on the line while crossing the street at a crosswalk here in Agassiz. These drivers do not in any way care about you as a pedestrian. They will run you over and just keep on driving.

I have observers other people using the crosswalks. The drivers did not in any way stop for them! They just kept on driving as if the pedestrian was not even there.

And now, for myself, I jaywalk — it is far more safe!

I would rather be more safe than being a hood ornament! The saying goes: “If you don’t like the way I’m driving, stay off the sidewalk.”

Harvey Andrew


Agassiz Observer