Salter had a point

There are tens of thousands of papers in scientific peer reviewed journals showing the hazards of telecommunications microwave devices.

Re: John Harding’s editorial (‘Rookie drama,’ The NEWS, Oct. 13).

There are tens of thousands of papers in scientific peer reviewed journals showing the non-thermal, biological hazards of telecommunications microwave devices. There are zero articles showing the safety of long-term use of such devices, except for the hired-gun papers, bought and paid for by the industry.

I would have liked to have heard some of Coun. Leanne Salter’s arguments in opposition to the raising of the cell tower in Parksville, rather than Harding setting her up as a target of ridicule.

By the time you folks are done waddling through the stages of ridicule, condemnation and violent opposition to an idea you don’t like, it will be too late for too many.

Victoria MihalyiSalt Spring Island

Parksville Qualicum Beach News