Sandown is a gift; editorial’s opinions don’t mesh with residents

North Saanich residents want to see Sandown happen, writer says

Re: Sandown inches ahead as costs revealed (News, Jan. 13) and Let’s get farms, cost recovery (Our View, Jan. 13)

I’m sure I will not be the only person writing to ask that corrections be published regarding the article and editorial in the Jan. 13 issue of the Peninsula News Review about the Sandown proposal.

In the editorial, the statement that the taxpayers of North Saanich would bear the $693,000 cost for the Sandown project makes assumptions. The win-win-win-win that the editorial wishes for is already included in the current proposal without removing any additional ALR land from the 83 acres.

Owner Bill Randall is giving the community the 83 acres and $100,000. The 12 acres to be rezoned and developed will provide more than sufficient additional tax revenue to North Saanich to carry out the project. Any revenue from the ALR property itself (such as current rentals) could be used initially to defray some of the costs.

Even if the land is reassessed at an amount lower than the current appraisal, it is still a gift. If it is valued at $2.5 million and costs the municipality nothing or very little to improve the land, it is an opportunity of a lifetime. Any remedial work can be done as the funds become available from increased tax revenues or lease revenues from the property. This is a multi-year project.

At a recent community meeting, the vast majority of the people present were in favour of the project. Some who expressed concern that taxpayers might have to bear some costs would have their concerns confirmed by the editorial. So many people are working very hard to make this project happen, even offering free services, because the project will be of such a benefit to the Peninsula.

It was heartening to see young people at the council meeting who are so interested in farming, willing to work hard and ready to pay their way. These young people are the future and agriculture needs them and the community’s support.

G.E. Duguid

North Saanich

Peninsula News Review