Sani-dump reasoning questioned

Letter writer critical of reasons for not establishing an RV sani-dump.

Dear Editor:

I have just read the front page of this week’s paper and am shocked and dismayed at the excuses put forth by our town leaders.

I’m trying to figure out how a sani-dump would affect a bird sanctuary that is in the bushes quite some distance from the road.

People who use the dump facilities are not out to hurt any one, especially birds. It is not a place people like to hang out and cause problems.

If it was built next to the existing road, then there would not be any problems with the sanctuary.

The other thing is the cost. I would like to see where they get this $100,000 figure from.

I can’t see it. Possibly put it out for tender. I have been to many sani-stations and not seen a staffing problem; most of them are on the honor system.

Signage takes care of a lot. It would tell people to pay at the campground for instance.

The real positive thing that would come from having our own sani-dump is that it helps keep tourists here to spend their money and enjoy what we have to offer in this town.

Also the site would be the best because it is next to the municipal campground.

Bob Herbert



Summerland Review