Santa breakfast was a community effort

Santa breakfast was a community effort

The volunteer hours that go into an event like this are "AAA" - Absolutely, Amazingly, Astonishing

Editor, The Times:

Thank you to everyone in the community for making our eighth annual Breakfast with Santa a huge success. Also thanks for all your donations to the Food Bank and the cash donations for future events.

The day was absolutely amazing, with over 230 people attending this free community event.

Our kitchen elves (Lisa and Bailey) cooked up a storm, starting at 8:30 to be ready for breakfast at 10. Georgina and Chyan had a great selection of crafts for the children and families. Codi Jean entertained the children with her hula hoops – dressed as a fairy, the children loved her.

At 11:30 Santa and Mrs. Clause arrived with the children drumming them into the hall, led by Rose who improvised the welcome song, as everyone forgot the words (ha ha) to “Here comes Santa Claus” – it was marvelous.

Santa had goodie bags for all the children and although Santa’s delivery sleigh didn’t quite make it on time, all the children were given a gift certificate to pick up a brand new book from the Dutch Lake Community Center. Clearwater Literacy supplied all of the books – what a wonderful and meaningful Christmas gift.

READ MORE: Santa comes for breakfast (2015)

Once again TNRD Area A (Wells Gray Country) director Carol Shaffer supported the event with a financial donation. Without financial support this event would not be so successful.

The Blackpool Hall committee donated the use of the hall again; the hall was decorated so festive it really felt welcoming.

Clearwater Rotary provided the chair for Santa. With a nice soft cushion, his little “tushy” was happy after sitting for that long.

YCS staff Kim, Nikki, and Susanne were outstanding.

Thanks to Keith McNeill for all his support in covering this special event.

As you can see the many many volunteers and the volunteer hours that go into an event like this are “AAA” – Absolutely, Amazingly, Astonishing.

I would like to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart. You the people make me look good, and without all of you, events like this would never happen. If I have forgotten anyone, please forgive me, and know that you are indeed appreciated.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Cindy Wilgosh

AESB6 community coordinator

Clearwater Times