Santa, can someone please adopt me?

All I want for Christmas is for you to mend my broken heart.


Dear Santa:

All I want for Christmas is for you to mend my broken heart.

Santa, my name is Pal and I am sending you my Christmas wish from a kennel at the animal shelter. I am not alone here as there are many fur-ends like me who are scared and confused and missing their family. Our story is sadly familiar. I am nine years old, my person loved me dearly and I loved him with all my heart. He called me his “good, beautiful boy” and always gave me gentle pats and smiles. But they said he got sick and had to go “into a home.” He could not take me with him. It broke his heart and mine.

I am afraid to be without a person I can love. Even though the people here are very nice, they are not my forever family. I may not be as cute as a puppy, but what I lack in high energy, I make up for in faithful love. I can even help my new family stay healthy by giving them my loyal companionship, walks, tail wags and unconditional love.

So Santa, when you come down the chimney at the shelter on Christmas night, we promise not to bark or hiss or growl. We will all be waiting for your news about people who want to adopt us into their loving homes … and mend our broken hearts.

Your Fur-end


Written by Debra Glover


Burns Lake Lakes District News