Sarah Simpson column: Sweating the small stuff after spin class

Sarah Simpson column: Sweating the small stuff after spin class

I talk to people for a living, but I'm not the best small talker.

There was a typo in my last column. It bugs me. I didn’t notice it until I read the paper and even then only because somebody made a point to tell me they liked the article, so naturally I had to go back and read it to see if there was any credence to their accusations.

Don’t go looking for it. I fixed the online version long after the paper was printed. There’s no need to prove me right. I promise you, it’s there.

I tend to sweat the small stuff. Yes, I’ve read Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff… and it’s all Small Stuff by Richard Carlson. Yes, a little thing like a typo in one of the dozens of stories I’ve written this week bugs me. Yes, I know it shouldn’t. I’m working on it. And it’s exhausting.

Speaking of exhausted… I was at the gym the other day (coincidentally, it was the same day I found the typo, if that matters for anything).

I had just finished a spin class and went downstairs to grab some coffee before heading out.

I was in line behind a couple of moms from my spin class who I’ve gotten to know an hour of spin at a time over the course of the last few months.

That’s when it happened.

They told me to sit and have coffee with them. Oh no, I thought to myself. I was about to have to socialize.

On purpose. With real people. Face to face. In public.

I tried to avoid it. I tried to bolt. They insisted.

I should never have started drinking coffee, I told myself. Then I wouldn’t be in this mess. Tea never would have done this to me. One sip of my coffee made me think better of it so I begrudgingly sat down. Thankfully a mutual friend joined us. She’s a good friend of mine. My mind still raced. At least I’ll have one ally

I talk to people for a living, but I’m not the best small talker. (That’s why I write.) At work when I have an assignment, I go and do it. I am not good at sitting there and talking to people for no particular reason. I mean, I suppose the reason this time was friendliness, mom-life and light-hearted banter, but you know what I mean. I’m just not good at it.

I sweat the small stuff.

What if I say the wrong thing? What if I offend somebody? What if I fall out of my chair? What if they hate me? What if they talk about me after I leave? And what if they talk about how horrible I am? It could happen.

I recognize that it’s all small stuff, but it was a particularly sweaty day if you know what I mean.

(Here comes the bright side.)

As you would imagine, it went fine. I remained in my chair, I did not appear to outwardly offend anyone and it was nice to sit and drink hot coffee and talk to adults, without a kid climbing on me.

They were three of the kindest people I could have ever sat and chatted with. (They better not let that get to their heads.)

I know these days it’s so easy to pick up the newspaper or watch the TV news and wonder where all the good people have gone. It’s equally easy to bury your head in your phone and never actually engage with the world around you. I assure you, the good people are still out there. Sometimes you just have to move a little outside of your comfort zone to find them.

sarah.simpson@cowichanvalleycitizen.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

Cowichan Valley Citizen