Save the birds

Cats should be kept indoors to save the already diminishing number of songbirds

There was just recently a notice on the radio looking for homes for a large number of cats.

We listened to the notice and thought about all of the song birds that will lay down their lives once these cats get homes.

We feel so strongly that all cats should be kept inside because it is a well known fact that song and other bird numbers are diminishing.

There is no reason for a cat to go outside but many people feel that the cats prefer to be outside.

Our cat loves it inside, safe from dogs.

As long as they have a box for their waste, they are clean.

We urge all future cat owners to not take a cat unless they plan to have it inside the house.

For the sake of all of the birds in the world.


Judy and Bruce Vandergucht, Falkland



Vernon Morning Star