Save the outrage for the really outrageous

I had to smile reading Perry Foster's perspective on the NDP.

Save the outrage for the really outrageous

Save the outrage for the really outrageous

I had to smile reading Perry Foster’s perspective on the NDP.

Totalitarian? Fascist? Malignant?

Some might feel that a candidate selection policy which values gender equity and the inclusion of minorities is eminently desirable, and that asking potential candidates to refrain from public criticism of the party is perfectly understandable.

Recall that this is the same NDP-Green alliance which has banned corporate and union donations from political campaigns, ended the senseless grizzly bear hunt, and reined in runaway real estate prices. The same group which has opposed increased oil tanker traffic off our coast, and that is currently experimenting with low cost daycare.

Yes, the government has made some blunders — in my opinion, LNG and Site C both qualify — but still, this is a government characterized more by a welcome response to long ignored, majority held public sentiment, than the imposition of “elitist left wing” values.

The New Year is certain to include many challenges; climate disasters, war, refugee crises, injustice and rising inequality, to say nothing of our boorish, bellicose neighbour to the south.

I would suggest that we all shepherd our outrage for things that really matter.

Mike Ward


Cowichan Valley Citizen