The range of the six-hour power outage on Saturday, May 4.

The range of the six-hour power outage on Saturday, May 4.

Save the power outage panic for the big boys

A six-hour power outage had the city in a panic on Saturday.

A rude, six-hour interruption welcomed the North Coast on Saturday when the power went out across the area.

While it came on a Saturday, the interruption proved no less distracting in a town where as much happens on the weekend as on a weekday.

Six hours is a long time, but it’s shorter when the outage comes on a beautiful, sunny day. No one was left in the dark, food in fridges and freezers everywhere for the most part, kept, and traffic and community events proceeded on.

The Oldfield Creek Hatchery’s Smolt Fest continued to delight kids through the outage, as did the B.C. Annual Dance Gala, whose performers danced beautifully despite less rehearsal time.

Having the power back in time for the evening is a testament to the work done by BC Hydro and panic was nowhere to be found. As usual, Rupert leaves sweating the small stuff to the Torontos of the world, where a six-hour outage can, and has proven to be, bedlam.

The Northern View