Save the trees

Just because the municipal election is over doesn't mean that residents can let complacency prevail.


Just because the municipal election is over doesn’t mean that residents can let complacency prevail. Guess what folks? The new council hasn’t even been sworn in yet and the Creekside forest property in Aldergrove is already up for sale. If you haven?t heard about this property before, it is the last standing forest that the Township owns in Aldergrove. The only other forest is privately owned. In the Official Community Plan a portion of it was designated for educational/recreational use. Sound familiar, Brookswood?

New council members haven’t even signed on the dotted line and Township land is already up for sale. Without the council being sworn in, one has to ask whose agenda it is to recklessly throw away a naturally intact ecosystem for 20 housing units.

The clock is ticking but there’s still time to preserve this forest land. Some of us have vision that goes beyond the mighty dollar. If you are “one of those people” I urge you to stay informed. Go to the Aldergrove Neighbours’ Facebook page. Aldergrove’s trees today could be Brookswood’s trees tomorrow.

Dan Sloan, Brookswood

Aldergrove Star