Saving jobs a benefit of keeping old meters

Smart meter opponent offers another reason for keeping old technology

I’m curious to know why the massive laying off of meter readers has not been addressed during the debate over B.C. Hydro smart meters.

I think homeowners and renters who have prevented our analog meters from being replaced should be congratulated, not only for protecting the environment from toxic EMF’s, but for saving jobs in our province.

And for the thousands of British Columbians who had their meters replaced against their wishes and want them reinstalled, again congratulations are in order, for more jobs will be saved there.

Energy Minister Bill Bennett is appreciated for acknowledging the legal, moral and health grounds smart meter opponents like myself stand on. However, to be charged an extra fee to have our meters read amounts to double-dipping, in that this cost has always been factored into our B.C. Hydro bills.

Keep the meter readers and keep the same rates. We didn’t ask the Liberal government to undertake this costly and wasteful enterprise. Why should we pay for it as well, and again and again?

Helene Harrison


Victoria News