Say ‘no’ to natural gas

Terrace resident asks us to rethink the supposed safe alternative offered by LNG development.

Dear Sir:

During the holiday season just past my wife and I went out for breakfast at one of our local restaurants in downtown  Terrace.

Once we  were seated and awaiting our order, my wife went to the newspaper rack where she had found a copy of the Vancouver Sun dated Dec. 12, 2013.

She had found the front page headline to be quite interesting, as it read, “B.C. gas rules put school kids in danger.”

The article got my attention as well, after reading it and learning what the extraction of liquefied natural gas is and what it is doing to those children in the northeast of B.C., threatening their health, lives and future.

We were absolutely baffled wondering why on all God’s green earth would northwesterners even want LNG pipelines to be driven through to our territory.

They are going past our homes, schools our communities, threatening our children and their health, lives, their future and the environment.

Just one rupture along one of those pipelines will cause environmental havoc and it is inevitable, it will happen at some point in time given the terrain and weather conditions.

The article goes on to say that safety rules for all those projects are far from adequate, which means there is no safety net and very little if any protection should a disaster occur.

After reading and learning about the extraction of natural gas and the effects it has on our environment and in particular to our children, we should be taking a much closer look at this issue and a much more vigilant stand against the whole idea of these pipelines being driven through to our territory.

Aaron J. GreyCloud,

Terrace, B.C.





Terrace Standard