Say your peace on the city budget

The Williams Lake city council has tried hard to engage the community in its annual budget process.

The Williams Lake city council has tried hard to engage the community in its annual budget process.

They have been asking the public for input and that has been well publicized.

So why is it so difficult to get people to come out to meetings so they can have a say and, listen to others and get more of an idea of where council is going fiscally in the upcoming year?

Are you happy with the amount of money council spends on administration, council travel, re-payment on debt, sewer and water?

Are you satisfied with the amount of city money going into arts, and recreation in Williams Lake?

There are lots of questions to be asked of this city council when it comes to the budget and spending your tax dollars for 2014.

Perhaps the reason people didn’t come out to the first budget meeting held earlier this month was because there were a lot of conflicting events that evening.

Or, people trust council is doing their best even if they are raising our tax rates.

Maybe the thought is out there that it doesn’t matter whether you show up or not because you won’t get heard, anyhow.

It is a little perplexing that more people did not turn out to this budget meeting held for the citizens of the community.

Don’t grouse too much about the budget when it’s accepted by council if you don’t like it, because you had a chance to be heard.

Let it not be said that you have not had an opportunity to have a voice in the budget process … even spending an hour or two at these meetings gives you a better understanding what it is that city council is doing with our money and how it is being managed.

It’s kind of ironic that many citizens turned out to city hall for the branding meeting and how much money was being spent in the process, however, now it is for the budget that will run the community next year, 2014.

I expect the budget has been pretty well decided upon by Williams Lake city council and staff however there is always wiggle room, so there could be a few changes before it is finally adopted.

If you have an interest in the finances of this city, to know where the money comes from, where it is spent and what are the spending priorities, there will be a second opportunity to show up to a city budget review at 7 p.m. at the Williams Lake fire hall, Monday, Sept. 30.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist for the Weekend Advisor.

Williams Lake Tribune