Saying what needs to be said

Dear editor,

Please accept my thanks for printing the letter by G.A. McIntyre (Record, Dec. 26).

Dear editor,

Please accept my thanks for printing the letter by G.A. McIntyre (Record, Dec. 26).

The editorial board has done well to print the letter. It needed to be said.

Poverty is an issue that has not been dealt with. It was good to see it dealt with in our local paper.

Mr. McIntyre is to be commended for his bravery in writing the letter. It is not often people will write letters such as this. Letters which spell out clearly what the issue is and how it impacts a person and then signs their name to it.

Our provincial government will not be able to say they do not know the depths of the issue, regarding those living in poverty, because they are disabled. Mr. McIntyre’s letter is so clear everyone can see the problems.

If this province has the money to build convention centres, new roofs for BC Place, bridges, highways, give tax breaks to multinational corporations then it has money to pay those on disability.

It is to be hoped our MLA will work towards remedying the situation, which Mr. McIntyre explains so clearly.

Not only is the issue a lack of monthly income but the lack of affordable housing for the disabled.

If the provincial government is not willing to provide it, municipal governments have a moral obligation to provide housing for people that does not take up more than 30 per cent of their income.

E. A. Foster,



Comox Valley Record