Scary super spenders

If British Columbians don’t want their rising taxes going to service interest on the debt, they better think twice before voting NDP.

After months of speaking pretty platitudes, Adrian Dix’s real agenda is finally beginning to leak out.

Why does he want to get rid of the balanced budget law in B.C.? Because that law will be ever so embarrassing for his NDP government as it runs up record deficits and levels of debt and he has to explain that away somehow.

The B.C. Liberals have been bad enough reckless spenders, but the NDP will be far worse, make no mistake.

If British Columbians don’t want an ever-increasing proportion of their rising (under the NDP) taxes going  to service interest on the provincial debt, they better think twice before voting the super spenders back in.

Whatever the flaws of the Conservative party in B.C., we can at least expect them to hold the line on spending and on taxes, and to create a better climate for business here. That will mean more jobs and more revenue for provincial coffers.

Experience shows the NDP and  Liberals will take B.C. in the opposite direction.


Kenneth Lawrence


Surrey Now Leader