SCC shows lack of leadership

SCC shows lack of leadership

Time and again Surrey Civic Coalition candidates and supporters write letters to this and other print media publications railing against Mayor Dianne Watts and the direction she and city councilors are taking Surrey in.

And yet, when they had their second nomination meeting on Sept. 25, they failed to nominate a candidate for mayor.

If all SCC wants to do is complain about decisions taken by council while not offering a platform of their own, and not providing any leadership within their slate, they simply are not credible.

Why will their leader Coun. Bob Bose not stand up and run for mayor? Could it be that Watts and council are doing a much better job of running this city and demonstrating a stronger vision than SCC wants to give them credit for?

As we move into a period of global economic uncertainty, it’s very important that our mayor and council have a strong vision for our city, especially when it comes to economic development, jobs and infrastructure for residents and for our business community. Projects such as the new library, the Cloverdale Recreation Centre and other vital infrastructure are providing jobs and stability for our community while not increasing taxes or sacrificing services. That’s vision, and that’s leadership.


Bruce Hayne

Council candidate, Surrey First

Surrey Now Leader