School board needs tenacity


Re: Residents campaign for school funding, Aug. 30.

Linda Stromberg and the ad-hoc committee are on the right track, pressuring the Liberal government for much-needed capital funding.


Re: Residents campaign for school funding, Aug. 30.

Linda Stromberg and the ad-hoc committee are on the right track, pressuring the Liberal government for much-needed capital funding.

But it’s unfortunate the parents, the business community and other stakeholders have to do the work that the Surrey Board of Education was elected to do.

Board chair Laurae McNally states, “We needed it like yesterday. We needed (new schools) four, five years ago.” It has been well documented that Surrey has received no new capital funding for new school construction since 2005. While funding new schools is a provincial responsibility, where have the voices of the existing school trustees been the past six years?

The board of education has known about the need for new schools, but has not pursued it with the tenacity needed to convince the provincial government that Surrey is desperate.


Charlene Dobie, Surrey




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