School board’s bad decision will lead to more bad decisions

It is no surprise the majority of the Nanaimo school board voted to re-open Cedar secondary.

To the Editor,

Re: Re-opening school only benefits Cedar, Letters, April 21.

It is no surprise the majority of the Nanaimo school board voted to re-open Cedar secondary. They were elected on this single issue and have acted on it at the expense of every student in the district.

This decision will further burden the already-stressed budget, increase the number of empty classrooms in the district and necessitate continued funding of two inefficient elementary schools. As is often the case, one bad decision leads to another bad decision.

The board is now considering prematurely closing Woodlands Secondary and moving students to NDSS and Wellington. Perhaps justifiable if proper planning and necessary renovations were complete at NDSS and Wellington. But those renovations are not planned or funded and will not be done in time to accommodate the Woodlands students.

More money foolishly spent and an unnecessary sacrifice by our students.

It is time the Ministry of Education assigned a special advisor to monitor the spending of this board and direct trustees to develop a competent organization that will provide quality education to our students.

Or develop a new model that would allow for long-term educational planning.

Jack DoanNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin