School district should consider all options

It is highly unlikely Rutherford will close in June 2017 as a significant construction project would need to be underway.

To the Editor,

Re: Trustees stick with closure plan, Letters, June 23.

It is highly unlikely Rutherford will close in June 2017 as a significant construction project would need to be underway. Considering the possibility of construction delays and no readily approved funding, how likely is it to meet a September 2018 completion date?

The ministry gave seismic/safety and high-growth population criteria for funding and the district continues going in the opposite direction by requesting funding for an expansion when we have sufficient student seats and no seismic concerns. Revising the numbers still does not meet the province’s priorities. And while there are available seats among the four northern schools, two are over capacity. It is unfortunate that the district has not explored other options. These actions continue to damage student emotional and learning needs and keep private school students away.

Lin BlackfordNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin