School parking worries

On Sept. 3, the first day of school, a 15-year-old child in Toronto was killed by a dump truck while walking to school.

Dear editor,

On Sept. 3, the first day of school, a 15-year-old child in Toronto was killed by a dump truck while walking to school.

I read this story while watching the comings and goings on my street which is across from Queneesh Elementary. Being the closest street to the school, it is a favourite place for parents and some school personnel to park.

The issue is the congestion with vehicles parked too close to the stop sign and crosswalk and vehicles encroached into driveways making backing out a nightmare. I also noticed that this year there are many neighbourhood children walking to school.

The situation is even worse after school because parents do not have the option of picking up their children in front of the school in the “drop off” zone that they use in the mornings. Therefore, they park and wait for their children.

I am concerned about this issue and fear that a terrible accident is imminent.  There is no reason to create congestion and safety issues as there is plenty of parking further down the street.

You love your children and care about getting them to and from school safely. Please be cognizant of where you park on Walbran Drive.

Susan Klimczak


Comox Valley Record