School plan failed to address needs

Re: Election onslaught set to get going, Wright Turn, Oct. 7.

To the Editor,

Re: Election onslaught set to get going, Wright Turn, Oct. 7.

While I appreciate Mitch Wright’s editorial desire for controversy, his claim that the previous board had a facility plan is disingenuous.

The only plan the previous school board had was a school closure and debt creation plan.

Replacing one school out of 40 isn’t a district plan and closing schools just to move students into portables already near or past the end of their expected life does not provide a better educational environment.

Fortunately for the taxpayers in the last election, most of the candidates were clear-headed and no matter which nine candidates you voted for, it resulted in sanity prevailing.

While the newspaper may hope for controversy, and some potential trustees may dream of spending millions of taxpayer dollars so they can have their name emblazoned in brass on a school opening plaque, as a taxpayer I am hoping for common sense to prevail and for continued respect of my ever slimming wallet.

T. Weger


Nanaimo News Bulletin