School zones

Resident is urging motorists to slow down on Okanagan Landing Road

On Sept. 23 at 1 p.m. I was travelling on Okanagan Landing Road in the 50-kilometre-an-hour zone approaching the 30-kilometre-an-hour school zone at Ellison school.

There was a woman behind me, travelling much faster then 50 kilometres.  She was irate that I was slowing down and was waving her hands in the air and swearing at me. She actually looked like she was going to pop a blood vessel through her head. That’s how mad she was at me, for doing the speed limit no doubt?

What in the world is wrong with her I wondered? Was she late to pick up her child from school?

I tapped on my brakes to inform her I was not happy with her tailgating me and I pointed to the school zone sign and she still was ranting and raging.

I always see speeders in that area and wonder why there is no unmarked police vehicles catching these speeders and making tons of extra cash for the province in giving out speeding through school zone tickets?

You speeders should think twice before zooming so fast during school zone hours, which by the way end at 5 p.m. through the week during the duration that school is in session.

It ticks me off to no end that I do the speed limit and that those speeders make all sorts of gestures with their hands or fingers at me for abiding the law of the roads.

It is a privilege to drive on them not a right. Slow down and save lives.


Patti Mondor




Vernon Morning Star